Friday, 25 November 2016

wk 7 reflection

This week we have haven't been up to much but here is what we have been doing. we did more maths skills this week I did perimeter here is my DLO.

we have also nearly finished our Antarctica work I have done three out of 4 activity's.

Friday, 18 November 2016

Friday, 28 October 2016

wk 3 reflection

This week we did our end of year testing we did reading maths and writing . we also did some calendar art we did Mexican folk art  I did a cat.

We have done athletics this week with Barrytown school. we did shot put, high jump, fun relays,sprints, hundred meters and long jump.

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

What we are learning

In writing today we have been reading and learning about'What happens when you sleep .Miss power shared with us three links leading to info about what happens when we sleep.We discussed some of the main ideas and then started writing an explanation.

Friday, 14 October 2016

Term 4 week 1 reflections

This week we have been adding and subtracting of positive and negative numbers. I think that I did really well.

We also did some writing about what it means to be a good friend.I am nearly finished my one.

Friday, 9 September 2016

wk 7 reflection

What I am most proud of
This week the work I am most proud of probably has to be my tie dye t shirt. I think that it came out really well. At the moment it has been hung up in the hall for the Art Soiree.

What I can work on
I need to work on managing  the amount of time it takes me to do my Thursday Friday maths
because I only just finished this week.

This week I have been working on my explanation on volcanoes. I am nearly finished i just need to do a bit more.

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Friday, 2 September 2016

T3 WK6

This week at school I have been making some awesome Pokemon nets. Here is a picture of the one I am most proud of.

Also I have been working on Thursday and Friday maths I have made a shopping mall and measured it to get the area ant the perimeter.

We have also been making tie dye t shirts I haven't finished mine yet i still needs to be hung up.  

Friday, 8 July 2016

week 10 reflection

this week we have team time and yay it is the last day of the term the assembly was huge

also there is a basketball game on 

we are going to clean up the class and then some of us will have team time.

week 8 reflection

this week was Prep mini market we didint sell out but i think we did pretty good
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also we have been doing a lot of math work on math buddy
like perimeter of shapes and tonnes and mass

week 7 reflection

this week at technology i have finished my clock and now i am making a wooden spoon i have already just about to finish .

for art this week we are making money for prep i think that my note looks good
yay nearly end of term.

week 6 reflection

this week we have been working on a bit of topic we have been learning mandarin
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at technology witch i do every Wednesday I have been making and working on my clock it is starting to look good.

week 5 reflection

This week we have been working on subtraction of different decimals

For art we have been doing collage art of pictures from camp.

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I did a rabbit.

Thursday, 7 July 2016

week 4 reflection

this week we did a lot of things we started by doing our basic facts and then moved on to group work we have been planing cool activities for maths

Can find perimeters of squares and rectangles.
Draw a mall and find the area and perimeter of it. Every 1 cm is 5 m
A life

Can sort 2D and 3D shapes and name them
Make our own nets. Print 2D and 3D shapes. Name them.

Can find edges, corner and faces of 3d shapes
Find objects irl and measure the edges corners and faces
Chromebook paper pencil and real life objects of our choosing

poem anthology

poem anthology

Friday, 1 July 2016

Week 9 reflection

This week I did a lot of prep work we had loads of fun
it was hard but I managed to get all of my prep work done
I am most proud of being able to make our prep product so quickly.

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We also had some speeches
 have found them really fascinating my one is next week Monday.
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We have also been learning mandarin.
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At technology  have made a clock.
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Tuesday, 12 April 2016








Monday, 11 April 2016

Book reveiw

For my Grey Main star I have been reading every night.

As evidence of this I will write a short book review of a story I have read.

 The book is about a thirteen year old boy has to turn off all technology.
The main characters are Greg Hefley, Rowley and Greg's mother.
In the story the whole town turns off all technology. Greg doesn't like the idea because he enjoys technology.
My favourite part of the story is when he goes on a camp and he is the leader they have to use team work to get 200 Bales of hay to the other side off the barn when he finally did it he felt accomplished but turns out it was for no absolute reason.

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Camp day 5 (complete chaos)

This time it is up at 6 in the morning I am so tired we put all our bags in the back of the tractor and it drives down to the jetty and it loads all the bags on the boat we get on our boat and head off to picton when we arrived in picton we got off the boat and unloaded the bags and formed a human chain to the busses. That is were the adults put the bags in the busses we got on our bus and headed home I liked camp (apart from all the wasps0 but other than that it was pretty enjoyable .

Monday, 4 April 2016

Camp day 4 thursday (the worst day)

Climbing higher and higher trying to reach the top. Feeling the worst pain imaginable with every step wasps coming in  on all sides. Will I make it out? Think to myself. The mountain gets steeper and steeper. Finally I see the top . We reach the top of the mountain, I sit down to have lunch but now there's more wasps than before and they are attacking my sandwich. I put it away and will wait till I get back down, we go to the lookout and had a look at the view. After we had finished at the look out we went back down to the camp site on the way down my legs felt like jelly, it went quicker going down hill than it was going up. As soon as I got down I had a big drink of water. Then I finished my lunch from earlier. Then calmed down with a bit of fishing.

Day three wednesday camp

Another early start same routine.  Today we went  on a confidence course it involved a huge flying fox and a tricky obstacle course.  After this we went back to the camp site and had a pie and orange slices for lunch pumba the pig stole a pie wrapper. Later on there was kayaking and swimming some of the people decided to go on a kayak. We had fun but the time came to pack up and relax.

Saturday, 2 April 2016

Camp day 2 tuseday

 We get up at 7 in the  morning and got dressed . We went down to the dining room and get breakfast I had porridge and toast . The activity for today we went out to ships cove on the boat we had loads of fun out there we had a hot dog for lunch.

later on we went down to the shore and found some crabs . on the way back we had a fishing comp someone caught a shark!!!!

what a catch!

Curious Cove Camp Monday

We got on the bus at 7.30, started traveling and then stopped of at Reefton.   We had lunch at Lake Rotoiti at St Arnaud.  Eventually we made it to Picton where we got onto a boat.  This took us out to our camp at Curious Cove. 

This is the curious cove launch. 

I got to bunk with Shaun for the week

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Mt Kahikatea

Climbing higher and higher trying to reach the top. Feeling the worst pain imaginable with every step wasps coming in  on all sides. Will I make it out? Think to myself. The mountain gets steeper and steeper. Finally I see the top . We reach the top of the mountain, I sit down to have lunch but now there's more wasps than before and they are attacking my sandwich. I put it away and will wait till I get back down, we go to the lookout and had a look at the view. After we had finished at the look out we went back down to the camp site on the way down my legs felt like jelly, it went quicker going down hill than it was going up. As soon as I got down I had a big drink of water. Then I finished my lunch from earlier. Then calmed down with a bit of fishing.

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Random acts of kindness

1. when Matthew wanted to play a game and everyone else wanted to play a different game I played the game with Matthew that he wanted to play.

2.when Leon was colouring in I helped by encouraging him and helping him choose colours

 3.on camp I we were about to get off the boat but instead I stayed behind and help unload the boat.

4.sometimes I like to watch videos in my spear time but rowan comes into my room and wants to watch them to I get really annoyed by that but I et him watch any way as long as he is happy .

5.riley foster couldn't come on camp so he didn't get any funny money so he couldn't get any thing at the auction so I gave him my darth vader rubber.